Queens (as the world's) Village: Know Your Neighbor Final Exhibit
"Queens (as the world's) Village: Know your Neighbor" is a socially interactive photography project detailing the neighborhood of Queens Village. It addresses the issue of cultural indifference by educating and uniting the diverse business owners and residents of one of Queens' largest and most diverse neighborhoods.
Exhibit is Saturday April 8th 2017 at the Queens Village Library, located at 94-11 217th Street, Queens Village, NY will feature photography by Adolfo Steve Vazquez as well as photos culled from the hashtag #QueensWorldsVillage on Instagram over a period of one full year. There will be live performances from local Queens Village residents, a live DJ, and healthy treats and snacks for all attendees. Event is FREE and registration is NOT required. This is a family event.
This exhibit was awarded a 2016 Neighborhood Project Grant by the Citizens Committe of NYC and all proceeds will go directly to QSAC - Quality Services for the Autism Community.
Exhibit starts at 5:30pm and runs until 8:00pm.
Any questions please e-mail queenscapes@gmail.com